Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So, I missed last Friday.  I didn't build anything.  I failed.  Let me defend myself at least a little as a friend and a great man passed away last week and I wasn't much in a building mood.  I know, I know, excuses are not to be tolerated.  To make up for it, I have already finished the project for the week, but you still have to wait until Friday to see it!  I have also started giving guitar lessons meaning my spare time is being cut down substantially.  I will try not to let this effect this blog as it is an important outlet for me whether someone reads it or not (thank you to those who do!).  It is bitterly cold here in Winnipeg, but what is new.  The problem this seems to cause is that there hasn't been much outside for me to snatch up and build with.  If there is anything, the foot of snow we got last week covered it all up!  Spring may bring new finds if we aren't completely under water from the snow melting mixed with the already high water levels on the Red River!  Maybe I'll have to build a canoe!  Anyways, thank you for your patience and I hope you will return on Friday to see my latest creation!

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

not to be tolerated. build me a cake or something!