Friday, January 22, 2010

I think I'm back...

I need dicipline. I love to write and try to be creative, but have found that my laziness has stopped any of that lately. Actually for a long time. I don't think anyone will actually read or care about anything I write, but I need to have somewhere to write and get some more practice. I'm told that the best way to start is to write about how I can't write. Well here it goes...or it has already been going for a few sentences already. The trees are beautiful outside; coated in frost and standing peacefully sleeping. I couldn't imagine life without little things like that to remind me of how little I mean in the whole scheme of things...not in a bad way, but in a calming way. The world isn't going to end if I screw up. The earth will keep spinning if I do something idiotic...(unless I somehow destroy the earth in my stupidity...but I don't have access to anything like that at the moment...but I digress...). Watching my green anoles explore their tiny world that I have created for them, I realize just how resilient Creation really is...

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