Friday, February 4, 2011

Counter Offer...

Ok, so I'm back at it here after missing last week.  I've been a little "busy" and haven't been able to do much.  After the "Ryetar" a couple weeks ago, I said I was going to concentrate on making instruments for this, but my banjo I've been trying to work on hasn't materialized in a useful way and someone tried to throw out this brand new counter top!  Can you believe it??  Anywho, I had found a dresser with no drawers a few weeks prior and had been looking for something to do with it and now I had it!  I would replace the ugly monstrosity I created for the bathroom during the early weeks of ReuseThis with something a little nicer and more useful.  So I lugged both up the stairs from the dungeon basement and set to work.  I must admit that out of all the projects I've done since I started this, this one was by far the simplest and easiest.  That being said, it is still the most useful.  I screwed the counter to the top of the dresser, leaving enough room on one side to hide the laundry basket so the bathroom would seem cleaner.  I then cut some mdf I had found into shelves and nailed them where the drawers would have been creating some useful space to store all the crap that seems to pile up in a bathroom.  It took almost no time at all...other then having to recharge my drill battery after every screw...anyone have a used one they want to give me???  Anyways, my ramblings aside, I am planning to put a curtain or something in the front so you don't see all the stuff on the shelves (that was my wife's idea).  While building this I also did a little mini-reno of the bathroom to make it look half decent, but I can't put that up here as I actually bought all the material for that (I get paid back).  I am sore as hell right now and have neglected my cup of coffee so I am going to go nurse that and post this for your reading pleasure.  Have a great week!

Thanks for reading!  See you next week!


Normi Mann said...

This is really fantastic Ryan! Good J and inovative too!

natasha said...

That looks great!

charlotte mgcc said...

i really like that ryan.....good idea. one man's junk is another mans treasure. great job.