Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May 30, 2007. Update.

Hello everyone:

Today Willy had the occupational therapist work with him in the morning. He
had to tell her the steps to taking a shower such as, getting undressed,
turning the water on, using soap, etc. He did this with no problem. Then
he had to get dressed. She gave him a bag of clothes, which were his, and
asked him what he would put on first, etc. and then he had to get dressed.
He did this with little help. This will happen every morning now for a
while. Physio did not happen today, I guess because of the change in
schedule. Hopefully it will happen tomorrow. I am getting him in and out
of his wheelchair by myself with a lot of help from Willy. This too shows
great progress on his part. I don't do terribly much, he has to use his
strength. I did have a visit from the Rehab doctor and she told me that
there would be no one discharging from their Unit this week, hopefully next
week and then Willy would be taken to that Unit. I sure hope so, or
hopefully someone dues get discharged early because they are ready quicker
than expected. We were outside twice today and enjoyed the sunshine and the
beautiful day. It sure is nice to be able to do that now.

Tomorrow he will have the OT come at about 9:00 and then he may go for some
speech therapy (cognition) at 11:00. He is to have physio in the afternoon,
not sure what time. There is at least more and more happening. He is
terribly bored otherwise.

God continues to heal him each day. Thank you to everyone again for your
emails, messages, cards, etc. They are all truly appreciated.

Lots of Love


(copied from email update from my mom)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isn't it great to see Our Mighty God at work in your dad. This is very exciting to see (or hear) of his amazing progress. we are so happy that things are going so well for everybody,especially your little family. i love the pictures and look forward to meeting him and holding him in person.......luv u all