Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nothing this week...but I wrote this...

So Christmas has come and gone and the kids loved the gifts I made them from the rescued wood, so I would consider it a success.  About 1000 panic attacks and a couple clonazapam hangovers, it is finally 2011 and I am trying to be hopeful for the upcoming 12 months.  I have finally set up an "office" upstairs in my house to work on this thing, instead of anywhere and everywhere.  Mainly so I have an easier time concentrating on the task of writing and for my YouTube channel; making it easier to sit and write songs as well.  I have been finding that the lack of organization has been causing me a little too much frustration and has been fueling my epic mood swings that have become far too common place lately.  I am rambling about this because I have nothing to show you this week as far as a creation goes.  I'm sure the excuse is obvious as Christmas has just come and gone and for some reason a time that should be joyful, has turned into a greed driven stress fest and full of uncomfortable and sometimes awkward family events.  Anyways, I have something on the go and will hopefully have it done for next week; I am in need of a more functional desk for my "office" as I have been using my "Laundry Table" (see old posts for pictures) as my desk and it is a little too low for my needs and has no storage.  I have been lucky enough to find 3 old drawers and the basic frame work for said drawers.  I now need to search for some wood to finish the frame, finish the top and sides and for the legs.  I may have some things that would work downstairs, but it would look a little too frankensteinish (if you could consider that word for the time being it would be great...thanks).  Maybe when my wife gets home she will allow me to take the van to lurk through alleys for a bit; we will soon see.  I would also like to thank all of you who take the time out of your lives to read about my creations as well as how they help me cope with my issues in my brain and life.  It is a pretty cool feeling that you take your time here instead of the billions of other sites you could be at...or the other things you could be doing that don't involve the Internet.  Here is hoping for a better year then the last...

Thanks, and see you next week!

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