Friday, December 10, 2010

The Laundry Table.

When I suffered my breakdown and was unable to return to work; I now was in charge of the day to day operations of the household, including laundry.  I know this is everyone's favorite chore and I am no exception....uh, really?  Some history to the laundry in our household; I have always been the one who did it, even when I was working, so this was nothing new to me except now I would have the time to do it and to organize a better, less wasteful way of doing it.  Within a couple weeks I had been able to cut the amount of loads down to 6 per week (for 5 people that's not too bad), but still was fighting for places to put the dry laundry while I moved the wet stuff into the dryer and started a new load in the washer.  I needed something that could hold the pile while I did this, or even somewhere I could fold the laundry right from the dryer and a table was the simple answer.  The not so simple part being that I didn't have a table and our basement is damp and dark and has very low ceilings, making it difficult to stay down there long enough to plan something like this.  So I kept fighting with the space and trying not to drop the clean clothes on the cold concrete floors full of cracks and depending on the amount of rain, water as well.  One day while playing with the kids in the back yard I spotted something leaning on the dumpster.  It couldn't be true!  It was an old cuttingboard style table top!  There was a small corner cut out, but being that it would turn out to be a folding table it didn't matter to me.  I went to take a closer look and it was in very good condition and after a good cleaning looked pretty good.  I then set out to find legs for it but could find none.  What I did find was a couple long 1x4 pieces of what I think is spruce so I made a rectangular frame on the bottom of the table and used two lengths of 1x4 joined at a 90 degree angle as legs on the four corners.  Once it was all fastened and the glue had dried it was sturdier then my kitchen table!  I'm pretty sure I was the only one excited about it, but I think it turned out pretty well and now I have some useful counter space in the basement!  Not something I would put out for display unless I put a little more work into it, but still very functional.

This was one of the more complicated of my early creations and to me signified that I had taken a big step forward in my ability to plan ahead and to stick to a plan without getting distracted and forgetting what I was doing.  It's just a simple table, but to me is a milestone in my recovery and my road to becoming me again...

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