Thursday, December 16, 2010

The "I need some actual storage in my bathroom" Unit.

This weeks blog has been the hardest to get done.  I am not really any busier then before, but I am so tired and have been depressed and having panic attacks a lot in preparation for all the "Christmas Stuff" on the horizon.  I have a bunch of projects kind of on the go.  I am restoring an old doll high chair that a friend found for me in their alley for my oldest daughter; I am trying to track down a jigsaw I could borrow for a couple weeks as I make a wooded airplane for my son and I am trying to figure out what to make for my youngest.  I also built some pretty makeshift shelves for my closet (they won't get in here because they are a little embarassing).  I found a dresser sans shelves, an old coffee table and some more random wood in the Acadamy area as I was waiting to pick my wife up from work so I am trying to plan the next move.  I am also beginning to be overrun with my creations and will be trying to sell some in the future.  I don't forsee any real sales so I may have some contests to give away some, or I'll just drop something off at someone's house.

All that B.S. aside, I will seemlessly move into this weeks creation: the aptly named "I need some actual storage in my bathroom" Unit.  Our bathroom is rather large, but has very little storage.  There was a small medicine cabinet and a tiny vanity that barely held anything.  While facing this problem, some wasteful individual threw 4 full 4x8 sheets of 3/4" OSB into the dumpster beside my house.  Ecstatic at my good fortune I dashed out the door without footwear and proceeded to bring them in my yard and cut them into 16" strips to be transformed into a solution to my storage problem.  I glued and nailed and glued and nailed in my back yard until I had a pretty damn functional storage unit.  One side being 6' high with 16" wide shelves running up with a 3' high x 3' wide side extention that could be used as a counter top as well.  After many foul words and cuts from the chips in the OSB I was able to maneuver the unit upstairs and into the bathroom, where I painted it to seal the glue toxins into the wood, instead of it leaching into whatever was being stored on there.  I must admit, this was the most frustrating project I had done as OSB is not a beautiful thing to work with, but once done and in use it felt pretty good to have built it and saved that much more waste from the landfill.  Remember...Reusing is still better then Recycling!

Thanks for reading this week and see you in 7 days!  Comment, follow, buy some of my stuff!


Dave B said...

I have a jigsaw you can borrow.
I will be in your neighborhood Friday evening - do you want me to drop it off?

Ryan said...

That would be awesome! I should be around, just give me a call before you come by

natasha said...

What is OSB?

Ryan said...

it's chips of wood glued together. Usually used on roofs and sides of houses before they are sealed with shingles/siding. So it's not really engineered to be used for a furniture situation..but I showed it.

Ryan said... for more info!